White Shadow Wolf Pack

Showing category "Additional Rank Info" (Show all posts)

Rank: Establishment and Loss

Posted by Alpha Female on Sunday, November 29, 2009, In : Additional Rank Info 
Rank order is established and maintained through a series of ritualized fights and posturing best described as ritual bluffing. Wolves prefer psychological warfare to physical confrontations, meaning that high-ranking status is based more on personality or attitude than on size or physical strength. Rank, who holds it, and how it is enforced varies widely between packs and between individual animals. In large packs full of easygoing wolves, or in a group of juvenile wolves, r...
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Hunting Technique

Posted by Alpha Female on Sunday, November 29, 2009, In : Additional Rank Info 
Wolves kill only to eat - to survive. Because wolves usually hunt for large animals, (although wolves are opportunistic and will eat smaller prey) they work together to catch their prey. Wolves will eat a healthy, strong animal if they can catch it.(Wolves need an average of three to ten pounds of meat each day).

Hunting is not always successful, so their bodies are designed to feast (eat a lot)or famine (eat nothing). Wolves can eat as much as 22 pounds of meat at a time and then may not eat ...
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Scouting Tips

Posted by Alpha Female on Tuesday, November 17, 2009, In : Additional Rank Info 
They key to being a Scout is communicating effectively ^_^
The following links will help guide you in your quest to become a Scout.


(may be updated frequently)

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Shaman Extras

Posted by Gabrielle Walker on Tuesday, November 17, 2009, In : Additional Rank Info 



The above links lists different herbs and such used to heal. If you would like to demonstrate your competency as a shaman, the above links would be the place to start. Learn them and demonstrate them if you hope to be a shaman.

(may be updated frequently)

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Rules for Rank

Posted by Alpha Female on Tuesday, November 17, 2009, In : Additional Rank Info 
  • NEVER ask for rank or tell a higher ranking wolf that you would fit in a certain position
  • NEVER complain about not having a high rank
  • ALWAYS fulfill your rank duties and attempt to do so thoroughly
  • ALWAYS give and demand respect where it is due
  • ALWAYS prove yourself through action
Pups are not allowed to hold rank.

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