White Shadow Wolf Pack

Showing category "Important Business" (Show all posts)

Sustaining the Pack

Posted by Alpha Female on Monday, November 23, 2009, In : Important Business 
I am an Alpha that does not care about numbers. I would much rather have a pack of 3 good rping, active, competent wolves than a pack of 20 wild, disrespectful, post anything type wolves.

In saying that, I will not apologize or retract and revise the "oh so strict" rules that I have in place here. I will also not allow anyone into the pack simply because they ask to join. I enjoy the peaceful life we are currently living. If certain criteria that I ask for is not met, if you are already in the...
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Chat Password and Login

Posted by Alpha Female on Sunday, November 22, 2009, In : Important Business 
Occasionally it will be necessary to change the login and/or password to the Pack Chat. Some reasons why this could be done would include:
  • Banishing a wolf from the pack
  • An enemy finding their way into the clearing
  • Too many strangers that have no intention of becoming a member of the pack are lingering around
When a password change happens, don't panic. Instead:
  • Ask an Alpha or Beta for the pass ((nicely))
  • Be patient if no Alpha or Beta is online
  • Continue to keep the pass a secret, even if a fellow ...

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Revival of the Pack

Posted by Alpha Female on Sunday, November 15, 2009, In : Important Business 
As old members know, the wolf pack has been inactive for some time now, but I plan on changing that and I hope everyone will be patient and cooperative during the necessary transitions.

Newest Members
  • Create a mini bio that describes your wolf age, personality, known family, likes/dislikes, appearance, and perhaps how you know the alpha female (Miki) or how you came to join the pack, and post it in the COMMENT section BELOW of your profiles so that I may copy it and add it to the site.
  • Find a re...

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To post a comment on any of the posts made, click on the title of the post, scroll down to the bottom where you'll see this  comment box and register using either your pack name or your chatango user name and leave a comment . If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email me at rgdwalker@gmail.com with your name and White Shadow as the subject. Thanks and enjoy!!!


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